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Wednesday, 26 August 2009

The Law of Attraction

By now you've probably heard the buzz about the Law of Attraction. It's the concept that says that you can have, be or do anything that you want no matter how large it might be.

The Law of Attraction is an extremely simple concept that we've all heard before. Simply put it's 'Like Attracts Like'.

In very simple terms the Law of Attraction says that what you think about and what you feel is what you will attract. This sounds too simple to be true, but with only a small bit of experimentation you'll be able to prove this for yourself.

In order to do that you'll need some basic principles.

Principle #1 The Universe is Neutral

The Universe doesn't care or even realize that you may have wants and needs. It simply exists and the elements that exist within it operate under very basic rules. 'Like attracts like' is one of those rules.

In order to use the Law of Attraction purposefully you must develop a level of self-awareness that will let you avoid negative thoughts and concentrate on the positive. One of the problems that many people experience is the fact that they are constantly thinking about what they don't want.

Principle #2 What you think and what you feel is what you get

The Universe doesn't hear "I don't want debt". It only hears the subject of the thought, which in this case was 'debt'. Thoughts have a certain amount of energy, but feelings actually project more energy, therefore the universe will respond to what you feel over what you think. Remember that this is a process and that you will spend some time identifying and deleting old thoughts, habits and patterns. When you see something that you'd like to have and instantly think "I'll never be able to afford that", just remember that this can take awhile. Don't beat yourself up over the occasional negative thought like that. Just remember that this is about learning a new way to think and feel.

Principle #3 You must ask for what you want

When you think about something you want you project your intent. When you write down what you want you are projecting a stronger intent by giving your intention more energy. When you make time each day to visualize and experience what you want then you are showing the Universe exactly what you want to attract.

Principle #4 You must give yourself permission to receive

This is a step that many people have a hard time with. They may ask for something such as love, happiness or money, but in their hearts they may not believe that they deserve it. It doesn't matter what you ask for if you don't believe that you can get it! If you can't honestly visualize yourself in that situation then the Universe will not manifest it for you. This leads into the next step.

Principle #5 You must be in alignment with what you are asking for

Say a prayer, cast a spell, light a candle or some incense, visualize, affirm, look in the classifieds, get a new suit, whatever. DO something that puts you on the path to receiving that which you desire. Take action. Act as if you already have the money or the love or the car or whatever. Live as if your desire has already manifested. You give much more energy to your intent if you back it up with action.

Principle #6 Start at a level which is believable for you

The Universe is unlimited in its potential. The Universe doesn't recognize size or amounts or depth or any other qualifier. Those are all human qualifications that we place on things. The Universe only sees energy. With that in mind you should, technically, be able to instantly manifest a million dollars, or a new house or a new spouse. In reality most of us have to build up to asking for the big things, and that is perfectly fine. Have faith in your process and don't worry about HOW you are going to manifest, just trust and get on with it. Start with something small and develop your abilities. The more you use it and the more success you have the better you'll be able to make the Law of Attraction work for you.

Principle #7 Have FUN with this

Life is an amazing experience. Every day you are surrounded by miracles and wonders. Enjoy it! Be happy and experiment. Try new things, ask for more, play with the world as if it were your toy and spread that joy and love and laughter and then look at what you are manifesting.

Take some time and experiment with these simple concepts. Feel free to experiment and play and enjoy the process. This should NOT be hard or stressful, life in an abundant and unlimited Universe is not meant to be so. Feel good and follow your bliss.

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