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Friday, 3 July 2009

Online Movie Downloads: Instant Entertainment!

With the internet being as widespread and fast as it is, it is no wonder that there are several options for online movie downloads. Any movie fan should consider these possibilities, since they not only make it quicker and more convenient to see movies, but they can also save you a good deal of money. The only thing you need is a fast internet connection to make the download go by faster, and a credit card to buy movies or subscriptions to the most popular online movie download sites. Here are some of the more popular methods.

The first option is to buy movies online. The prices are very reasonable, usually cheaper than you would buy DVDs at the store for. When you buy a movie like that, you will be able to keep it on your computer for as long as you want, or even burn it to disc to watch in your DVD player. With this option, you have full rights to the movie, just like you bought the DVD. If you are the kind of person who likes to watch movies over and over again, then this is the option that you will probably want to utilize.

If you just want to see a movie once and be done with it, then you can use renting or streaming services. You pay a much smaller fee, and you are able to watch the movie once, or as many times as you want within a certain time period. Renting is accomplished by downloading a movie file that expires after a certain date.

Streaming is offered by many sites. You can pay once for a single movie, or you can buy a monthly subscription and watch as many movies as you want. This service is offered by many, including hybrid services.

The best thing you can do is simply try out a few different online movie download sites. Find the ones that have the policies that are best for your needs (IE burning, copying to ipods, etc). Find the ones that have the best download rates, and of course the best prices.

You can go to consumer review sites to find comparisons of the many online services, to avoid going to the really unpleasant ones. Once you try out a few different ones, you'll surely find one that you are willing to stick with for all of your entertainment needs. Of course, you'll never be able to beat the speed entertainment online movie services offer.

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