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Saturday 2 October 2010

Vintage War Birds and the Spruce Goose at the Evergreen Museum

Vintage War Birds and the Spruce Gooze – Evergreen Museum
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Old barns drift by as I drive southwest on Highway 99W from Portland. I am in Oregon's scenic Willamette Valley, and from Highway 18 I start looking for a huge new A-framed building nestled in a broad vineyard near McMinnville. Following the signs, I drive up the curving access road until the high glass front of the building looms above me. Staring out from behind the windows is the Spruce Goose.

Evergreen International Aviation, based right across Highway 18, owns and operates the museum. The current building, completed in 2001, was designed around Howard Hughes' famous wooden aircraft. Volunteer docents, many of them veteran combat fliers, inform me with facts and regale me with stories of the Goose and many other famous planes there.

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